How to Propose Future Courses
To suggest a future class, workshop, or adult education activity please email with the following proposed course information:
- Course Title
- Your Name
- Dates of sessions
- Times of sessions
- (Note: Before choosing your preferred dates/times of sessions, please visit our online calendar, and select a time based both on your schedule and our room availability. Also, if you hover your mouse over a calendar event, it will tell you the room that it will be in. Multiple events can happen at the same time at UUCF as long as you are not requesting a room previously reserved at that time or programming against an event that is likely to draw the same crowd you are hoping to reach.)
- Total number of sessions
- Description of class that is 500 characters or less (the following online tool can be used for that count:
- Cost of session (Please see below for our "Policy for Adult Spiritual Enrichment (ASE) Program Fees.")
- Required or recommended texts
- Are you requesting that childcare be provided for any parents or caretakers that may be interested in attending your event/sessions?
- Your qualifications for offering this course (particularly if you haven’t led a similar course at UUCF in the past)
- Preferred Phone Number in case the committee has follow-up questions
- Other relevant information
Policy for Adult Spiritual Enrichment (ASE) Program Fees
ASE uses the following guidelines in regard to charging for ASE classes and events at UUCF:
- Programs which are sponsored by ASE will not normally be asked to pay a fee for use of the UUCF building;
- Programs offered on Sunday before or after the service and programs directly linked to congregational operations, such as Pathways to Membership classes, will be usually offered without asking for a donation;
- A donation to UUCF of $5 per 1-2 hour session will be “suggested but not required” for attendees at other ASE programs to assist in defraying program costs, such as childcare. (Fees may be waived at the discretion of the committee or the minister.) Donations will be collected by the program provider and turned in to the UUCF office immediately following each session;
- ASE encourages program providers to donate their services to the congregation. In cases where the provider wishes to be paid, the ASE Committee will negotiate an appropriate cost. All monies will be submitted to the UUCF Treasurer. Typically, 75% of that cost will be remitted to the provider and 25% will be retained by UUCF. (Any split which results in less than 25% being submitted to UUCF must be approved by the UUCF Board of Trustees before the program occurs.) Presenters may request reimbursement from program participants to cover the cost of supplies if ASE approves that cost in advance.