Frederick Covenant of UU Pagans
Earth-centered Spirituality Service
Our Earth-centered Spirituality Group meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel. This time provides an opportunity to focus on the Sixth Source of Unitarian Universalism: "Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature."
Samhain-Friday November 1st Samhain (pronounced SOW-in) is a time of deep reflection. Join Safrianna and Jake as they lead us in a spiritually enriching and hopefully life transforming service. We will gather at 6:30, rain or shine (if rain, bring a raincoat or umbrella). This is an in-depth experience that will last more than an hour or two.
Due to the nature of this service and the time and focus, children will not be allowed to participate.
PLEASE RSVP to so that we may get an accurate headcount count as possible in order to know the quantity of supplies to bring.
All adults are welcome. For childcare availability please contact our Director of Religious Education at
Winter Solstice-Saturday December 21st Come and enjoy this special singing ritual that explores the depth and joy of the Winter Solstice. The performance features “A Circle of Women” singing group from UUG. They have offered this special Winter Solstice Ritual with the Unitarian Universalists of Gettysburg with great success and now are taking it on the road. Doors open at 6:30 and the performance will begin at 7pm. Free will donations will gladly be accepted. All are welcome!
We usually also gather to celebrate each of the eight holidays, or Sabbats, on the Wheel of the Year, which mark the seasons of the Sun -- the Solstices, Equinoxes, and points in between in European traditions. Through the eight Sabbats, many contemporary Pagans attune themselves to the creative forces of the Cosmos:
- Samhain or Halloween (October 31) - This is the time of year the light noticeably fades. Pagans reflect on and review the past year and welcome the Celtic New Year. In this season, Pagans also honor death as a part of the sacred circle of life and remember those who have died.
- Yule, the Winter Solstice (December 20-23) - This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Pagans welcome the rebirth of the Sun with feasting, dancing, music and festivities. Decorations include wreaths, boughs of holly, mistletoe, evergreens, and lots of lights.
- Imbolc or Candlemas (February 2) - This is the time to celebrate the growing daylight. Pagans celebrate with candles and fire to symbolize the renewing power of the Sun's illumination in Nature and new beginnings in ourselves.
- Ostara the Spring Equinox (March 19-21) - On the first day of Spring, when day and night are balanced, Pagans honor that balance and seek it within while rejoicing in the stirrings of life in Nature. Beltane or May Day (May 1) This is the day for dancing around maypoles in honor of the fertility of the Earth made possible by the increased warmth of the Sun.
- Litha the Summer Solstice (June 19-23) - On the longest day of the year, with the Sun at its highest point in the sky, Pagans rejoice in the Sun's life-giving warmth and ability to make things grow.
- Lammas or Lughnasad (August 1) - This is the time of year when plants first start to drop their fruits or seeds. With the days growing shorter, Pagans celebrate the bounty of the Earth with the first harvests of grains.
- Mabon the Autumn Equinox (September 21-24) - Again the days and nights are of equal length and Pagans acknowledge the balance. This inaugurates a season of preparation and the transition from the ease of summer to the colder tasks of winter.
We are in the process of applying to become a member of the national Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS), an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists, educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals.
Please visit our calendar page to confirm the time and date of future gatherings.
To be added to the email distribution list for CUUPs and Earth-centered Spirituality services, please send a request to .
UUCF CUUPS Mission Statement
We, the Frederick CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) group of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick, honor the UUA 7th principle; “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”. We provide support to all seeking to live a life more in balance with nature by exploring the teachings and traditions of various pagan and Earth-centered religions and philosophies. We adhere to the mission statement of UUCF, National CUUPS, and the principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association. We promote personal responsibility and integrity, diversity and compassion, competency and education in the pursuit of spiritual balance. We offer our talents and abilities in service to our fellow congregants at UUCF and the greater Frederick community by providing celebrations to honor the Earth and its cycles. We seek both mirth and reverence, and we honor the Divine in many forms.