Message from our Minister
I invite you to reflect on the value you receive from being a part of this congregation. In your time as a member or friend of UUCF, what have you learned? How have you grown? In what ways have you been supported or found opportunities to support others? Sunday morning worship, social and environmental justice, Religious Education classes, pastoral care, and so much more — all of these opportunities are made possible by your generous contributions. If you perceive value for yourself and others in the ongoing ministries of UUCF, please consider a donation or pledge to help sustain our ongoing work of living our UU Principles in this world. Your gift helps support our vision of a religious community characterized by freedom, reason, compassion, conscience, and diversity.
Peace to you,
The Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
Donate Online
Click on the donate button above to make a secure donation now using your credit card, or directly from your checking or savings account. Donations may be pledge payments (including recurring ones), auction or gallery purchases, or just to make a contribution to support the ongoing mission and ministry of UUCF.
Make an Online Pledge
Annual pledges are encouraged, and help us set our ministry goals for the year. You can make your pledge by clicking here at anytime during the year.
Have you considered including UUCF in your estate planning?
Regardless of size, every bequest is a meaningful way to leave a legacy of support for Unitarian Universalist values. Please contact our if you would like more information about including UUCF or the UUCF Endowment in your will.