Dec 30
| "Not All Resolutions Are Created Equal: Future Me and Fire Communion"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Dec 23
| "Blue Christmas: When Your Days Aren't Merry and Bright"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Dec 16
| "The Politics of the Brokenhearted: Gun Rights and Gun Responsibilities"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Dec 9
| "Can You Feel the Wheel of the Year Turning? The Spirituality of Winter"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Dec 2
| "Chrismukah, IllUUmination and Chalica: Navigating the Holidays"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Nov 25
| "You May Be Rich and Not Know It: A Jeffersonian Spirituality for Today"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Nov 18
| "Savoring the Small Stuff: Ordinary Gratitude as Spiritual Practice"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Nov 11
| "Election 2012, Part 4: In the Wake of an Election"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Nov 4
| "Election 2012, Part 3: The Righteous Mind and the Democratic Process"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Oct 28
| "Out of Our Minds and Into the Green"
| Sea Raven, D.Min
| Recording
Oct 21
| "Election 2012, Part 2: Change We Can Believe In? The Obama Question"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Oct 14
| "Election 2012, Part 1: Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and Book of Mormon: The Musical"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Oct 7
| "Do We Need a Moratorium on the Word 'God'?"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Sept 30
| Experiential Sermon - "Bigger on the Inside"
| Lora Powell-Haney, DRE
| Recording
Sept 23
| "Native American Spirituality: Appropriation and Reciprocity"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Sept 16
| "Why Do We Go To Church - or - Spiritual But Not Religious"
| Jeff Wilson
| Recording
Sept 9
| "Water Communion"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Sept 2
| "En La Lucha: (Dis)covery, (Im)migration, and Social Justice"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Aug 26
| "Evolution, WYSIWYG and The Bomb"
| Turner Stokes
| Recording
| Text
Aug 12
| "The First Source: Direct Experience"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
Aug 5
| "Addiction and Grace"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Text
July 22
| "Pluralism, Pragmatism, Progressivism: My Journey to Unitarian Universalism"
| Rev. Dr. Carl Gregg
| Recording
| Text
July 15
| "Dreams, Burning Coals, Into OZ"
| Rev. Mike Morse
| Recording
July 8
| "On to Oz"
| Rev. John Morehouse
| Recording
June 24
| "Summertime"
| Doug Foard
| Recording
June 10
| "Where Are We Going?"
| Ann Foard
| Recording
June 3
| "Whose Common Good?"
| Carole Larsen
| Recording
May 27
| "Where Does Peace Begin?"
| Revs. John P. Manwell and Phyliss L. Hubbell
| Recording
May 20
| "Water, Water, Everywhere"
| Lex Cade-White
| Recording
May 13
| "Islam and Muslims of Frederick"
| Dr. Syed Wasimul Haque
| Recording
May 6
| "Chop Wood, Carry Water"
| Cosette Blackmer
| Recording
April 29
| "How wonderful! How terrible! How confusing!"
| Lora Powell, DRE
| Recording
April 22
| "A Second Spring"
| Dick Menzer
| Recording
April 15
| "Distributive Justice Leads to Hope"
| Rev. Mike Morse
| Recording
April 8
| "Easter Not Darwin's Birthday"
| Turner Stokes
| Recording
March 18
| "Science Versus Religion"
| Jeff Wilson
| Recording
March 11
| "Clara Barton: Angel of the Battlefield"
| Rev. Robert Hughes
| Recording
March 4
| "On a Journey with The Universe"
| Rev. Robert Hughes
| Recording
Feb 26
| "What to Do When The Is Nothing You Can Do..."
| Rev. Robert Hughes
| Recording
Feb 19
| "Be Well"
| Buddhist Monk Bhante Sujatha
| Recording
Feb 12
| "Standing on the Side of Love: Charles Darwin and the Wedding at Cana"
| Sea Raven, D.Min.
| Recording
Feb 5
| "Good Stewards"
| Rev. Robert Hughes
| Recording
Jan 29
| "How Can I Be Of Service"
| Lora Powell
| Recording
Jan 22
| "Dare to Win "
| Roger Smith
| Recording
Jan 15
| "Wisdom of Sophia"
| Rev. Robert Hughes
| Recording
Jan 8
| "Ministry of All"
| Rev. Robert Hughes
| Recording
Jan 1
| "Some Thoughts On Commitment"
| Carole Larsen
| Recording